Team Coaching

Has your leadership team lost its spark? Do you worry that your top team is not performing to its potential? Do you have ‘team blockers’ who are an obstacle to progress and team working?

We hear you. The thing is, this happens a lot, to a lot of teams. Over and over again. And whilst executive coaching helps the team leader to build strategies to lead his team and soft skill training equips individuals in that team to make behavioural change, these interventions alone don’t get your team back on track. Or to grow into a high performing team.

If you face those challenges or have come to see great benefit in creating high performance teams in order to work more effectively and achieve better outcomes, Team Coaching is right for you and your organisations.

But what is Team Coaching? Is it the same as coaching a group? Not quite.

Team Coaching is a practical way to apply the principles of coaching to the team as a whole. The Team Coach, however, becomes part of the team and wears different hats during team coaching sessions and team meetings. Imagine a football coach who is not on the field but watching the play and intervening when the team isn’t performing the way they need to in order to succeed. The Team Coach is the facilitator, the consultant, contract-maker and educator.

Intact Teams specialises in working with teams to re-energise, refocus and create collective habits of success. Through open dialogue, reflection and feedback, we enable teams to achieve their goals.

Our team coaches work closely with your team over a number of months, are part of your team meetings and facilitate team coaching sessions. Your team coach will help create goals and use dialogue, feedback and reflection throughout the sessions to achieve those goals.

Robert Hogan describes our philosophy on Team Coaching in very poignant way:

“Leadership is concerned with building and maintaining high performing teams, while getting people to forgo individual goals in favour of group goals.”