Executive Coaching

A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.

Reading this quote, we thought ‘This is what we do when we coach people’. Our coaching conversations are all about these a-ha moments –breakthroughs where we know our coachees are thinking differently and doing things differently. Coaching is about helping people leverage EQ, self-awareness and dynamic communication skills in order to be happier and build resilience. In contrast to training and mentoring, it is a ‘pull intervention’ using powerful questions to evoke thinking and gain clarity. It is a facilitated one on one conversation utilising reflection and dialogue that enables people to maximise their own potential to realise change.

Here at Intact Teams our globally certified coaches take it a step further and hold their coachees accountable to turn those changes into actions and ultimately deliver positive results. When coaching we focus on the people side of strategy. Coaching is designed to appeal to individuals’ self-interests to achieve sustained behaviour change and improve organisational performance.

In a nutshell: we provide learning experiences for the individual and ROI for the organisation.