‘I just want 2020 to be over, have a break and start fresh into 2021’. Can you relate? It’s a comment I hear over and over right now. And I feel exactly the same. The thing is, there is no magic wand on New Year’s Eve that will make 2021 different. We have to invest some time into reflecting on 2020, what we have learned and how we take those lessons into the New Year. Reflect first, then set goals.
I took some time this week to think about the last 12 months and journaled about the challenges, what I had learned and what I enjoyed. Just an hour of reflecting gave me the clarity I needed to plan for next year.
Challenges: uncertain future, all face-to-face business cancelled, far away from my family with no travel in sight, no work-life balance. I couldn’t get out of my own head and couldn’t sleep.
Lessons: resilience is not universal, it’s systemic. I had to adopt new strategies to build resilience: ask for help, set boundaries (no work on weekends, finish at a certain time, close computer…), adopt a growth mindset and find new healthy habits. What I enjoyed: the slower pace, connecting with people on Zoom, learning that my clients embrace online learning and workshops, growing my business.
What I will take with me into 2021? I have completely digitalised my business and facilitate and coach all over the world so I will focus on growing my online business and invest more in technology. I will keep on setting boundaries, no ‘backsies’. I know I can serve my clients better when I am healthy and happy. And I will remind myself often that appreciating the small things goes a long way.
How do YOU reflect on 2020? And how does that affect your plan for 2021?
I encourage you to ask yourself some questions, reflect and journal before diving into writing down SMART goals. Here are my 10 questions you can use:
10 Questions about 2020:
- What has been your biggest challenge?
- What has been something you enjoyed?
- What have you learned about yourself?
- What have you learned about others?
- What have you changed already?
- What do want to take into 2021?
- What are planning on doing differently in 2021?
- What does a ‘COVID-normal’ world look like for you?
- What do you need to do to be happy AND productive in that world?
- What is your first step and who will support you?
If you want to work with me, email me on info@intactteams.com